Thursday, April 2, 2009


WHY is it that other families have baby gates that last more than 12 hours? And why did the previous houseowners not leave us any touch-up paint????

WHY did the bookshelf seem like an appropriate place to put the empty pizza roll bag?

WHY did the coloring book basket seem like a good place to empty the pencil sharpener shavings?

And WHAT IT THIS??????


Cammie Heflin said...

Hmm, strep, allergy, the famous contact dermatitis??? Hope she feels okay!

Anonymous said...

Libby just had that on Tuesday morning and she tested positive for strep!

Amy...who wanted 4. said...


Anonymous said...

Ewww! It's worse now! And I touched her with that rashy thing that is soon as you know, let me know! How was your root canal? Rachel

Christina said...

If her skin feels like "sandpaper" to the touch, it is most likely what everyone has said -- strep. This is usually the only way we know Jake has strep b/c he does not complain about his throat being sore. Everytime he gets a sandpapery (is that a word?) rash he tests positive for strep. Good luck!

Mandy said...

Rosiola (sp)? Did she have a fever a couple of days ago? Crud, who knows with kids!

liesel said...

No fever, no crankiness, no other symptoms. The rash pretty much covers her body except her diaper area, which makes me think she is allergic to some detergent. Problem is I am using 3 different kinds so I'm not sure how to find out which. This picture was taken several days ago and it is clearing up without intervention. Who knows!!!

Kerry Shealy said...

It looks like an allergic reaction. My kids have had this after receiving vaccinations, or antibiotics (allergic to penicillin). I'm not diagnosing, though! :-) It just looks familiar!

Larsen Family said...

Contact dermititis is a popular one at my house, since I and many other family members are allergic to lots of stuff. Yet, Ian always gets a rash when he gets strep. Although, sometimes, if they run a fever, they can get a rash as well. Rashes are deceptive. Good luck detecting.

Amy said...

I hope that she is feeling better - or at least the rash is subsiding!

Zack, Jenn and William said...

William had a very similar rash last year. I took him to the doc, and we were told he had a strep infection/rash. Gave me some meds for the itching, and a few days later it was gone. His only symptom (other than the rash) was itching - no fever, didn't feel bad. Very strange.

alicia said...

Elias had a rash like that when he was 18m aprox

day one was on his tummy, day two in all his body, and the dr told us was a viral thing, he had flu a week before, and some fever days before, and the rash was part of the viral thing, and he recommend us to have Elias in diapers, and that in 4 days it will go away by his own, completly true!

Bethany said...

Petichiae is really common in our kids too. Maybe it is that?

Kelly said...

My first thought was strep, though don't have to feel sick to have it. It usually spreads from the trunk outward... at least it did with my kids. :)