Unfortunately, Addy wasn't as excited to meet me as I was to meet her. She wasn't very fond of all the toys my kids kept shoving in her face or the pinches that Ava kept giving her on her legs. She didn't care for my singing or the way I put a book on my head in an attempt to make her laugh.
She did, however, find one Urban who made her smile. :) Isn't she adorable?
She is just precious.
OK, my turn, my turn!
When would you like to meet the Dickinson's? We're just right down the turnpike. Really, we would love to meet you and your family before school starts.
Ahh...his charms work on the younger crowd as well as the more mature crowd. He's a real lady's man!
Such a sweet look on her face.
Meghan, yes let's plan it!
Jan, ha ha. A ladies man indeed. You should watch him do the dishes. :)
Between this post and the last, I've seen two of the cutiest little girls ever!
She's a adorable and your husband is one of a kind.
Seriously...your family is beyond precious! What a treasure you are for the adoption community and for encouraging others to embrace one of God's most beautiful gifts to us.
I was holding my Sadie yesterday and just kept crying thinking about how when God blesses us with adoption, He is wanting to constantly remind us of His love for us in that child. How great is our God!
Did you notice how John and Ava have the same expression on their faces in these back-to-back posts?
yes that is an amazing thing to meet other adopting families in person that you come to love on here :) I am jealous! :) Such sweet picture!
How precious. God must have a smile on His face that extends across the universe by the joy you bring to others. Thanks for sharing.
She is just beautiful!!
Oh my gosh, she is adorable! I guess another female thinks your hubby is wonderful too ;o)
She is precious.
Oh my goodness, she is just darling. How precious.
Thanks for your e-mail address--I'll write soon. So many things I want to know.
Have a blessed day.
she does stand out, ain't it funny that everyone has their genetioc composition and all are different.. She would definitely draw attention in a restaurant.
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