Orphan is a horror movie depicting a 9 year old orphan girl who haunts her adoptive family and everyone she comes into contact with. Please go here to sign the petition. You will also have an opportunity to share your own orphan story on the site (which I did) and read other families' orphan stories. Please spread the word about this important message. Perhaps this attack on the most vulnerable children can be somehow turned around to actually help them.
I will be signing this petition. I saw the previews for this and thought, "Great! Here we are hoping to adopt and look what people are going to see right as we are making this HUGE decision!" And, there is no doubt that some people will turn away from adoption because of the fears brought on by this movie.
Very disappointing...
I signed, thanx
Yet again, this is why the church should be taking this situation head on...not Hollywood. So, so sad and so true that people are going to turn away. Thank you for sharing Charissa.
The letter was well written- Firm, truthful, and respectful. Signed happily.
I signed the petition and copied your post onto my blog to pass on to others. Hope that is okay, I gave you credit?! :)
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