Monday, April 11, 2011

Zoya's big day

To read more about Archie and his story, and to see the winners of the raffle, visit Bethany's blog.

By the way, I have met Bethany's kids in real life and YES they really are as gorgeous as they appear in pictures. :)

I am way behind in family updates, photos, even a birthday celebration (Liesel) that I need to blog about. One slight problem: The little cord thingy that transfers pictures from the camera to the computer is missing,  and it is very difficult for me to blog without photos. So the photos and updates will have to wait.


Please pray, as tomorrow is Zoya's big surgery day. I will be leaving tonight for Little Rock; Cleft palate surgery is scheduled bright and early.  Please pray for a smooth recovery. Our biggest challenge will be keeping Zoya's hands out of her mouth these next few weeks. :(

(Also, pray for John as he will be home trying to work and care for the remaining six kids!!)

I'm not sure whether I'll be update the blog, but look for updates on facebook, if you'd like.


Monica said...

Hoping and praying that Zoya has a successful surgery, and that the recovery goes smooth.

Jo's Corner said...

I'll be Praying for Zoya tomorrow. I hope her surgery and recovery are easy. She so deserves that! And, I'll be Praying for John and the six at home. It's never easy when a family is separated for things like this. Please give Zoya a hug for me. YOU take care of yourself, Carrissa. I am SO happy that you will be with Zoya during her surgery and after. I can't imagine where she'd be, had you not brought her home. Hugs ~ Jo

Nana Robin said...

Prayers going out for your family and Zoya. Also you can purchase a memory card reader at any store selling cameras for approximately $10.00 which is much less expensive than a replacement cord.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful family with me.

Nana Robin

Anonymous said...

praying for you!

Jenny H said...

Hoping all went great. I will check FB in a little bit...

Anonymous said...

I found another link I think you will like!