My emotions have been split right down the middle on this dog. Yes, he's annoying but he has been a great watch dog and real good with the kids. Someone commented on my blog that he looks like he could be pit bull mix and I have been watching him real closely ever since. I googled pit bull at that time to compare, and honestly I didn't see it. That is until yesterday.
My mom came for a visit, and Jackson's personality changed. He got real protective of the house and wouldn't let her in the first night. I just thought he was being a good watch dog, but then yesterday something happened that freaked me out. We all went for a little walk, and He started jumping up on Hope, I assume it was an innocent puppy thing. But then when Hope started screaming and my mom picked her up, Jackson kept jumping and nipping at her. Again...a puppy thing or an aggressive dog? So then I took her, thinking he was protective against my mom, and he started jumping on me too! I had Ava in the sling in front, and Hope on my back, and he continued relentlessly to jump and nip at her. Imagine me, carrying 2 kids, trying to fight a dog off with my knee. It was so scary! My brave Simeon ended up pinning him down while me and my mom and the kids ran into the house.
So we made several phone calls. Turns out, since we live outside of the city limits, the animal shelter wouldn't come get him. They said we have to call our county sheriff. The county sheriff finally came out at 9pm, observed the dog, and said that if the animal isn't showing obvious signs of aggression (I guess that means growling and chomping on human flesh), they wouldn't remove him. But he left us some coloring books for the kids!!!

Finally this morning, animal control came and took the dog.

I had one very, very, very, very disappointed 10 yr. old boy who
insisted that Jackson was just trying to play, and would
never ever ever hurt anybody!!!
After spending some time getting all his tears out, here he is coloring to cheer himself up. What a great sport and sense of humor. I sure love that kid.

Hee hee, loved this page on the coloring book.....:)

Parenting is full of hard decisions. I hope I made the right one. Jackson, you will always hold a special place in our hearts......just not on our porch. I hope you find a wonderful home.

P.S. The great news is the shelter he is going to tries very hard to find families for the animals. The other great news is that according to animal control, he is probably not a pit bull after all, but possibly a lab/heeler mix (although I didn't see that either)...hopefully that will improve his adoptability. And the other great news, is that Simeon acknowledges that although he loved Jackson, he loves his little sisters more and prefers their safety over having a cool dog around. We really did love him and will miss him.