This is Monica and Jennifer and me. This picture was taken in 1994, I think. The three of us roomed together after college, plus other girls that came and went. One by one we all got married and moved out. We had SO many laughs at that old house. They are both so fun. We all live in different states now, but every so often we are able to get together again. And every time we do, it is just like being silly roommates again. This past weekend was one of those rare occasions.
Here we are, 15 years later, eating out at an Italian restaurant. I'm not sure which one of them decided the best background scene for a group photo was the mural of the ancient Romans pointing the way to the mens' and ladies' rooms.
It was great fun, I hope we do it again soon!
Thanks for ruining parmesan for the rest of us...
You had some really cool roomates. I loved that they laughed so much. From the looks of it, they still do!
You look the same! Wow, way to age gracefully. :-)
I had a pair of those overalls, except they had Eeyore and Winnie on them, what 20 year old would wear Pooh characters?
Soooo, jealous, wish I could have a night out w/ you guys!! :(
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