Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Here is a glimpse of a normal day in our house, with everybody doing what they do best. Jude, standing on his bed playing electric guitar for the game Rock Band.....
Liesel, reading her favorite book series, The Sisters Grimm.......

Hope, picking random items from around the house and finding other uses for them: In this case, she is taking the starfish from my bathroom decor for a little swim. Have you ever picked up a dead, wet starfish? I don't recommend it.
Simeon: "Mom, I accidentally fell in the pond when I fell off my bike." Hmmmm.....

Ava, after enjoying her favorite blue marker, being held, rocked and sung to by her younger sister Hope. Now that Ava has gained 12 pounds, grown 4 inches, and the girls are almost wearing the same size, it is starting to look a little funny. Notice the scratches on Hope's arm, from Ava's fingernails. Hope gets bit, her hair pulled, scratched or pinched almost daily, but that hasn't changed her feelings about her sister one tiny bit.


Terra said...

Your kids are precious!

Tim Rovenstine said...

From the Heart of Texas, en route. A High Five for the five photos.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Love the cowboy boots and shorts. Ian used to wear his rain boots all of the time, then they became too small. Little boys are fun.

Anonymous said...

Adorable is the picture of Hope and Ava. Thanks for sharing. Amazing what sister love can do!

Robin said...

Oh Hope.

these are all awesome glimpses into your life, thank you!

jennifer... said...

Kids doing what kids should be able to do -- it's a lovely chaos and I'm glad you can see it that way.