I wrote it trying to be funny, but I also wrote it because deep down my heart is broken, my dreams are shattered and I want to hear His voice and do His will. I am learning to trust Him, and I don't want to screw anything up.
A friend wrote these words in response that I believe were from God Himself because they ministered to me in such a big way. Tears began pouring down my face as I read them, it was just what my heart needed to hear.
I don't think He is laughing Charissa. I think He is delighted, much like any good Father who sees His children wishing and dreaming big. I think of the daddy who cheers on his little girl who dreams big and is convinced she can see those dreams come true. Any good daddy I know would be cheering her on, regardless of the outcome, simply delighted that she is dreaming and willing to walk towards those dreams.
Isn't that profound?
So what plans am I making you may ask?

Joseph has been waiting for a family for 5 years. He almost had his chance at one this last fall. A wonderful family, a mom, a dad and 3 older sibling came to rescue him from a sad fate of life in an institution. But a mistake found in his paperwork rendered him unadoptable at the last minute, and his family had to return home without him. They were able to adopt another little boy in his place, but I know their hearts were broken nonetheless. I'm sure Joseph felt the loss too.
I read the Harris' pleas for prayers that day in October, but I was too wrapped up in my own sadness and grief and confusion over our own failing adoption to really even pay attention at the time. Little did I know how many people were praying for him and little did I know that 4 months later we would be the answer to those prayers. We would be his second chance and he would be ours.
Many people have prayed for Joseph, advocated for him, raised money for him. One family used their Christmas budget to raise money for his adoption grant. How selfless is that? We are so grateful.
When I went to take dinner the other night to my good friend Justine who recently adopted a boy from Hong Kong, I told her our news, and she said Joseph's picture hung on their family's Christmas tree as their Christmas Angel. How good is God that he would bring me out of my sadness and have such a beautiful gift waiting for me on the other side?
I am dissolved in tears thinking about my Timothy's Christmas Angel becoming his real-life friend. I am so so excited for your whole family, including Joseph! God turns our mourning into dancing!
Also I want to encourage you to let your mamma's heart be at peace concerning your three Ethiopian children-of-your-heart. Their Father in heaven loves them oh-so-much...as much as He loves you and as much as He loves Joseph. He made sure Joseph had a family in His timing and He is no respector of persons. He will do the same for those precious children.
I am proud to call you my friend. You are an inspiration to me!
Congrats! I'm so happy for your family and for Joseph!
Oh Wow! Congratulations! I'm so excited and happy for Joseph and you guys!! :)
You are so amazing. God is so amazing. I am grateful for opportunities. You are an inspiration and I am so happy for you and your family.
Oh, Charissa! What beautiful news! And what a beautiful boy! I am so very happy for all of you.
That is good news! I have this boy on my daily prayer list! He is near and dear to my heart for many reasons. So glad to hear God is bringing your journies together! HUGS!
Praise God!!! So happy for Joseph, and for your family :)
There is so much love and beauty in this life. I'm so glad that I get to see it all in action in your life.
I am so happy for you. I have the adopt-again-bug myself, but it's not right for us at the moment. I am so happy for you and your family to embark on this adventure. He is precious.
Congratulations!! What a wonderful addition he will make to your family!
Can't wait to meet the guy!
I am so excited so excited for you all and for Joseph. I am sure he will be so excited to get so many siblings. Are you going to adopt more children or only one this time? My heart is with Zhora and especially Miranda (other angels cp)
Just wanted to chime in and say I'm really proud of you guys for trusting God through all of your heartache and letting Him work things out for good for both you and Joseph. It's so hard for us to understand it all sometimes, but how awesome that Joseph now has a wonderful family and you all will have a beautiful new son. You are an inspiration to us!
Kelly S.
OMG, Charissa,
I am crying HAPPY tears for you and Joseph!! This little guy is going to light up your life just as Ava has!:) Congratulations!!
I am sitting here listening to a song and I needed to add it to your comments because it is fitting for you and Joseph!
"Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts:)
God is so good! So happy for you and can't wait to see this little one in your family!!!
Congrats! :) I am beyond excited for you!
***CONGRATULATIONS!*** How exciting! Thank YOU for allowing us to follow your journey!! :)
Sand Springs, OK
Thrilled for you all! Enjoy preparing your wonderful home for sweet Joseph! Love you guys!!
Congratulations!! What a beautiful boy Joseph is!
I can't even describe how happy I am for you and your family and for this little boy. You kept the faith, bless you!
Dear Charissa and family,
I am overjoyed hearing all the good news posted this week. God always had Joseph for you, but there were various detours along the way. You have a beautiful blessing to add to your beautiful family and Joseph is so blessed to get you as his family.
I am so thrilled to hear about Von's healing. He is always in my prayers.
And...Happy Birthday to Simeon and Ava! You both are so loved.
Love you you all
Aunt Sharon
Congratulations! He will be in heaven living on/with the Urban Farm!!!
I am SO happy for you and for Joseph. I have had his picture on my fridge for a few months now. I will make sure and spread the word about Joseph having a family.
That is just like God! I am so happy for you all. I can't wait to meet him!!!
Your daddy is very proud of you, rest assured...
Congratulations! So excited for your family and for Joseph!
so so happy to hear the great news!!!! congrats!!! to the whole family :)
This is SO exciting.
I was thinking of you the other day while listening to Way FM (and had intended to share this story earlier) Moms were calling in with pregnancy stories for Nikki and other women who might be scared of having babies, telling what their favorite part of being pregnant was. A lady called in and talked about her favorite part of her biological pregnancies. Then she talked about her paper pregnancy with her adoption and how fascinating and challenging it was. She said that through every step of the process ("pregnancy") she prayed that the childs story would be so of God that she wouldn't be able to tell his story without telling about God and how He brought it to pass. I thought of you when I heard it and I thought about you again tonight when I read this!
Whoo-hoo! I am so excited for you all. A new little brother! I cannot stop crying, so happy I am for everyone :) And a big happy birthday lick to Ava :)
Joseph is so beautiful! He is one of the MANY children that strikes me deeply with his smile and hopeful expression! I'm so glad for you and the Harris family that Joseph will be home soon with his forever family!
Charissa, i just wanted to say that all though i have not known you for very long you and John are truely amazing!! I have always wanted to adopt but i have found that my finances at this time will not allow me to do so. So i commend you for what you are doing and look up to you as a wonderful woman. God bless you and John and all your children including Joseph, and we will keep you in our prayers for Joseph to come home quickly and safely. :)
Charissa he's is absolutely adorable, and you and your family are amazing, I enjoy so much following your family and they have inspired me in many ways and show just how amazing God is.
Congratulations Urbans!!
Debbie S
Yay! I am so excited for you all!! We have actually been thinking about adding another child to our family, I'm waiting for all Zech's surgeries and recovery to be completed, then we will Pray, Pray and Pray! Congratulations, what a blessed family you have!
Fantastic! Such great news, both for Joseph and for your family! Congratulations!
- I'm blogging for Nadya; to help her find a family -
Yay!!! I am so happy FOR you! He is adorable from his picture. Lookout, Ava... you've got heart-stealing competition!
That is amazing news! I wish you all the best!
So happy for Joseph and the Urban clan. He is just precious! We are a second chance family, too. Remember that God doesn't make mistakes. You are the family He chose.:) I just LOVE seeing older boys come home! God bless your faithfulness. Alice
HOW EXCITING!!!!! He is precious!
We are thrilled for you, absolutely ecstatic. Praying that this new journey will be without heartache or strife. You have had enough for a very long time. Hugs to you and yours.
i have been offline for so long that ijust found out this amazing news! congratulations =)
Many prayers that you soon have your little boy home!! I got tears in my eye's thinking about it.
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