Saturday, January 3, 2009

Does every 4 year old girl proudly wear her patent leather shoes with every combination of outfits possible, or is it just the girls in my family?


Cammie Heflin said...

Jarika did! She even told my mom when she was about four that when she died (my mom) that she wanted all of her pumps!

Meredith said...

LOL! Brianna LOVES shoes and she sure would!! (but she's only 3... YIKES, SHE's THREE?)

Carson's Mom said...

I don't think it goes away when they turn five or even six. I still have girls that love to "dress up." Now that they are 8 and 6 I never know where I am going to find my own shoes.


Anonymous said...

Ansley has been going around in a pink leotard with a pink tutu and her 'shiney' shoes today. I usually keep them up but I slipped and she has laid claim to them. The combination of clothing coming from my little girl cracks me up. She turns 4 tomorrow. She adds layer upon layer of clothing too. Sometimes she looks like the michelin man. My boys love hats of all kinds but not so much the clothes.


Beth said...

Yep, every girl does. But my 10 year old still puts them on every so often!

I always like it when a kid looks weird enough in their clothes that others can assume I had nothing to do with their outfit. If it's only slightly questionable, I kinda feel responsible for the dorkiness. You've seen what she looks like when left up to her own devices ("Elton")!!

Homeschoolers tend be more fashion least that's the case in our house!

kirsten said...

I'm convinced every little girl belongs to the 'patent leather shoe' club at some point in there childhood. She looks adorable...

Stephanie said...

Charissa, Could you do a post on how you homeschool, like what type of schedule you do and how much time you spend on it.. maybe just a glimpse into your week and how you keep records of what they have learned??? please.....

Anonymous said...

I think us girls have a love of shoes from an early age. Atleast I did and my girl does.

Anonymous said...

It's not just shoes....I love it when I am out and I see a little girl in her 'favorites'. You know, favorite shoes, favorite socks, favorite skirt, favorite shirt, etc. Even my husband notices. We just smile and say, "She's wearing all her favorites, isn't she!"
Cath from MN

Christina said...

Brittany does it! That girl will come out with some outfits that I am like, "Girl! What in the world are you wearing?!" Not so much anymore but just a few years ago...WOW LOL