Monday, November 10, 2008

M&M's....the ultimate motivator

Ava is eating finger foods now! Cheerios, bits of toast, crackers....Of course if it wasn't for the M&M's, I'm not sure she ever would have started. I don't have this on video, but when she was at occupational therapy last time, she put two signs together. Guess what two words she signed? "MORE CANDY", of course.


junglemama said...

Wow Charissa! She is doing so awesome! She has changed so much... reminds of how much Dennis has changed!

orphans4me said...

Charissa, You have a fun blog. I didn't know you were a missionary kid :) I like these 'tag' things just cuz I learn more about my friends. And it's great to see your Ava doing so well.

Shelley said...

I can't get over how big she's getting! And don't you just love it when food can be used as a motivator. She's doing really well picking up those tiny M&M's!

amyl4 said...

We were watching your video and Caleb said, "Candy please!". Good thing I have some M&M's:)
Ava is doing so well!:)

Jester 6 said...

forget the M&M's. . .I can't believe how big she looked sitting at the table all by herself!

Michelle said...

Great job, Miss Ava! I always love your background goings on, Charissa..."What time's that thing we're going to later?", and you casually say, "Seven.", it's just so cool! It is coming up on a year that Ava will be home with you...that's amazing!

Take care,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Apparently I got too excited and forgot to put my name on the last post, wonderful.

Our Story: Continued said...

I love it!! I want "More Ava!!" :)

little dalene said...

I've only been gone a few months and she looks SO much older! I love the baby mohawk she has in the first part. Haha!
By the way, I love how much you videotape your kids. I think eventually you are going to have a "Charlie, bit my finger" kind of moment!

jennifer... said...

We used M&Ms to motivate aiming INSIDE the toilet!  Works great.

4 princesses & then 1 prince said...

This is so great! M&M's are definitely the "ultimate motivator". They helped us in potty training my barely 2 year old SON! Go Ava!!!

kirsten said...

We love watching Ava progress....Noah was so proud to see here sitting in a chair and eating on her own!

WheresMyAngels said...

That is so cool!

My girls first finger foods were these corn puff things that they thought were pop corn, they totally were juke food! lol